OneTick Cloud – Curated Global Data and Faster Analytics for Quantitative Analysis
Data Assets
A single source of global tick data, covering 20+ years, with historical corporate actions and symbol changes.
Check out our listing of all market data databases, covering Global Equities, Futures and Options. Access summary information, available data types for tick and bar data, and recent historic holiday calendar. We provide further information on load times, database size, and symbol count, along with the split of each data asset's symbol universe by security type.
- Data Assets
- Symbol Universe
- Symbol Cross Reference Mapping
- REST API End Point Documentation
- Reference Data & Enumerations
- System Availability
- US - Market Share
- Canada - Market Share
- European - Market Share
- SQL Querying Examples
- OneTick Python Queries Using Directed Graph Style API
- OneTick Python Queries Using Pandas Style API
- Futures Continuous Contracts
- Point in Time with Offsets
- Latest Prices
- L1 Tick Data
- Trade and Quote Bars
- Book Depth
- US ETF Universe
- EBBO Calculation
- Data Explorer