Company Updates



A Letter from the OneMarketData Team:

2023 represented a mix of resilience, uncertainty, and innovation for markets around the globe. The market navigated periods of volatility stemming from geopolitical tensions, inflationary pressures, and ongoing supply chain disruptions; and despite these many challenges, many major indices reached record highs in 2023. We are proud that OneTick customers were able to rely on our platform, products and services to sail through uncertainty. 

The OneTick team made significant strides in our technical advancements and achieved landmark customer success in 2023. Notable technology milestones included the incorporation of real-time data into OneTick Cloud through our partnership with Options Technology, a major provider of cloud-enabled managed services to the global financial sector. We added a wide range of new clients including sell-side firms, asset managers, proprietary trading firms, vendors and marketplaces. We announced that the Financial Conduct Authority selected OneTick for its primary market surveillance and visualization system in a significant development for UK financial market regulation. We are thrilled to continue working in close collaboration with our customers to expand our range of products and services. 

As we kick off 2024, we are excited to announce OneTick’s expanded capabilities in real time and historical data enhancement to address the demanding needs of quantitative applications. This includes integrating reference and corporate actions data, applying analytics, curating symbol lists, and statistically measuring data quality. OneTick is increasingly chosen as the top collection and retention utility by legacy and new clients. As many content owners now focus on proactively enabling their content and data modeling within commercial cloud providers (AWS/GCP/Azure), the market is demanding greater transparency into data quality for self-collected and cloud data. OneTick is adapting to these market changes to serve as your top choice data collection and ​​expert data quality metrics platform.

We are incredibly grateful for your business in 2023, and hope you’ll read our company updates below to learn about our new customer highlights, product updates and company announcements.  We look forward to continuing to partner with you in 2024.

Client Updates

Today, OneTick works with more than 160 customers who rely on our solutions and services to deliver value across all asset classes. While we grew our existing business with long-standing customers in 2023, we also welcomed a substantial number of new clients to our OneTick platform.

In 2023, we helped a wide range of customers meet their needs, including US investment management companies, US banks, UK regulatory authorities, and EU banks to name a few. The company announced the competitive bid selection for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA); partnered with a Swedish bank, a major Swiss bank, and a large Australian online broker on major projects; and significantly expanded our deployment for one of the world’s largest stock exchange groups. We also signed with one of Europe's largest generators of renewable energy.

OneTick Product Updates

Market Data

OneMarketData collects, aggregates and maintains accurate global exchange time-series data from over 200 exchanges using multi-sourced, direct and aggregated feeds to enable the highest level of accuracy and precision for time-series analytics. This information is critical to maintaining a high-quality database for trading, analytics and compliance. In 2023, we enhanced our data on-demand and data services with:

  • Real Time Data with Options IT
  • ETF Constituents
  • Curated Groups:
    • Top Market Capitalization
    • Top Liquidity
    • Global ETF

OneTick Cloud eliminates the need for local hardware, data collection, and data maintenance. This allows you to focus on application development by relying on a trusted source of time series data and analytics. Click here to learn more.

Python-First Tick Data Analytics: OneTick-py

onetick-py offers a ground-breaking paradigm for working with tick data: a highly performant domain specific language is available via pandas syntax. onetick-py exposes the full power of OneTick via a pandas-like Python API expanding a familiar DataFrame paradigm to include common time series operations running at the speed of C++. Customers can access tick-by-tick data from 200+ exchanges using onetick-py for quant research, BestEx, TCA, backtesting, etc. Head to to see more.

Machine Learning

OneTick has three new machine learning (ML) offerings: a library for ML experiments, MLOps as a service, and hosted market impact models.

onetick-ml is a Python library for streamlining machine learning experiments with features derived from tick data. Customers can define ML experiments in just a few lines, iterate easily over different features/models/hyperparameters, share results with colleagues, and monitor and serve models in production. Prepare tick data features using the full power of OneTick at hand to prepare the features from tick data. See for details.

Customers with no MLOps infrastructure or market data experience can start experimenting with machine learning right away in OneTick's hosted environment, accessing decades of tick-by-tick market data from over 200 exchanges. OneTick will host the models and take care of model monitoring and re-training.

In 2023, OneTick's ML team leveraged its extensive collection of tick-by-tick market data to create market impact models that are available via API. A customer can specify the security, the quantity to execute, and the time horizon to get the predicted market impact. The models can be custom-trained for customer use cases.

Regulatory Solutions

OneMarketData continues to deliver the technology innovation, expertise and exceptional customer experience its clients require to navigate dynamic market risks, regulatory requirements, geopolitical events, and the new realities of cryptocurrency markets.

In 2023 we invested significantly to support the unprecedented demand for OneTick Trade Surveillance. We continue to work closely with our clients to deliver new features and functionality to meet their most complex data, analytics and regulatory requirements. We also aggressively hired technical talent in 2023 to support our flourishing Regulatory Solutions business and increased our engineering headcount by over 60%, with additional openings for dozens of new software development positions. Key milestones for our Regulatory Solutions team in 2023 included:

  • Appointment of Shailesh Dwivedi as Head of Buy-side Regulatory Solutions:
    • The capital markets veteran and former OneTick client was tapped to drive innovation and expansion in OneTick’s buy-side offerings and ensure OneTick clients meet and exceed requirements across the global regulatory landscape. Read more here.
  • Streaming/real-time surveillance feature that can scale for high-frequency data while keeping false positives in check
  • Nanosecond level event-by-event order book replay functionality
  • Expanded out-of-the-box scenarios suite to address buy-side specific risks such as portfolio pumping, window dressing, churning and more.

Over the last 12 months, OneTick Trade Surveillance worked with top tier clients, handling message rates of over 500B+ per day. Other highlights include:

  • Expansion of out-of-the-box alerts suite to cover buy-side specific risks covering portfolio manipulation (e.g. window dressing), mandate surveillance (e.g. Issuer exposure) and suitability monitoring (e.g. portfolio turnover).
  • Introduction of cutting edge streaming/real-time surveillance that leverages core OneTick to scale seamlessly to process high-frequency data.
  • Improvements to the calibration toolkit (Tune) which allows for alert tuning over a wider interval and easy what-if case comparisons.
  • Cloud support expansion: integration with AWS, GCP and Azure - including use of cloud native storages to reduce TCO.
  • Cloud data coverage: partnerships with new providers; increasing the depth and breadth of assets/markets.
  • Machine Learning/AI-based models for identifying outliers based on cluster behavior.
  • Event-level order book replay functionality loosely integrated with the Surveillance solution.

RTS6: Real-Time Algo Monitoring and Unusual Trading Behavior Detection

OneTick RTS 6 provides a turnkey solution tailored to customer's business needs while leveraging best practices across regulated entities. The solution features real-time ML-based detection of abnormal algo/trader/market behavior. The key benefits include:

  • Cost-Effective Compliance: Achieve RTS 6 compliance without an expensive in-house implementation.
  • Reduced False Positives: Leverage the power of machine learning to identify true risks, significantly reducing the number of false positives.
  • Trusted Workflow for Compliance Excellence: A streamlined and flexible case management system used by regulated entities throughout the world.
  • Flexible: Extend the monitored scenarios to include the ones unique to your business.
  • Scalable: Handle the largest trading volumes in real-time.


OneTick facilitates powerful analytics using crypto tick data for crypto exchanges and firms. This crypto tick data is aggregated by venue and token, containing trades, quotes, order book snapshots, and bar intervals. Our 2023 crypto market solutions include: 

  • OneTick Crypto Trade Surveillance: our fully packaged solution can be deployed in-house or offered as a hosted subscription fully managed by OneTick. With predefined out of the box real time/ intraday alerts through visual dashboards, T+1 reports, and a robust case management system, OneTick clients stay up to date with regulatory requirements and sail through market turbulence. 
  • OneTick Crypto TCA/BestEx: a full suite of dashboard-based and report-based analytics suitable for execution committee reports, reporting to customers, evaluating liquidity providers, evaluating algos, etc.
  • OneTick Crypto Research Environment: access market data and perform quant research using a pandas-like API backed by a powerful OneTick tick management engine, offered in hosted Jupyter notebooks or as an API.

OneTick Support Updates

Key Customer Projects

OneTick is committed to serving as your partner on whatever projects you need. Some notable projects of the past year include:

  • "Lifted & Shifted" OneTick ETF real-time monitoring solution to cloud-based Amazon AWS infrastructure for a major US investment management company;
  • Implemented new market surveillance alerts and on-boarded new data sources for the OneTick Market Surveillance solution deployed at a major US bank;
  • Launched OneTick Surveillance solution and implemented new market surveillance alerts and dashboards for a major regulator; and
  • On-boarded new data source feeds into OneTick market data system and continued to add custom alerts and data sources to the OneTick Surveillance solution for a major EU bank.

We also continued to advise and train our end users on OneTick queries for business use cases, provided resources for OneTick Python Query API and SQL, and helped with custom API solutions and integrations. 

Please contact us for additional details.

OneTick Academy

OneTick Academy is a one stop shop for education, training, and reference materials, exemplifying OneTick’s ongoing mission to empower its clients by making its functionality easy to use, easy to find, and easy to understand. The holistic online learning resource provides release notes that cover the history of enhancements in each OneTick major and monthly release; short, two-minute “how to” micro learning guides delivered via video that cover new and existing OneTick functionality; and a library of all OneTick training courses available on-demand. 

The past year was busy for the Academy. OneTick published six technical release notes throughout 2023, culminating in the major 1.24 release (see below); created 73 new ‘how to’ videos; and expanded its course enrollment, with 198 first time students, nearly 600 course enrollments, and over 100 returning students in the last quarter of 2023 alone. Visit and create a free account today! 

Release Notes and Technical Updates

OneTick worked continuously to expand capabilities to match customer needs in 2023. The 1.24 Release includes enhancements for the OneTick core, analytics, storage, monitoring, APIs, collection and loading, admin and monitoring, and visualizations and dashboards. Our development objectives included improved speed in running analytics, data collection, loading, transfer, compression and decompression, and more; improved ease of use to consume analytics results, build analytics, administrate the OneTick environment, and upgrade OneTick; and improved communication of new enhancements and how to leverage existing functionality.

Additional enhancements include customer cloud migration (tiered storage and elastic computing), scale out (vertically across cores and horizontally across cluster nodes), continuing liquidity fragmentation (order book reconstruction, BBO reconstruction), machine learning (efficient integration), increasing data volumes (multi-threaded collection and loaders and query parallelization), API standardization (Kafka, REST, Protobuf, Web Sockets, and Arrow), and data type granularity (nanosecond timestamps, decimal, and book size).


OneTick continued to produce critical webinars in 2023. If you’re looking to get up-to-date with the latest research, technology, and industry trends, the OneTick webinars are the place to start. Here is a selection from last year (the full list of all webinars is here):

Solve Your Time Series and Data Analytics Challenges

Louis Lovas and John Kellow review the specific ways OneTick allows you to achieve the dataset you need by looking at the essential operations: alignment, interleaving, filtering, sampling, and stitching. They illustrate each operation with exciting new use case demonstrations.

Best Practices for Futures

Scott Mayster reviews his best practices for dealing with Futures Data including topics like data cleanliness, continuous contract rollovers, TickWrite tips and tricks, and more.

Tick Data Today

Scott Mayster covers Tick Data's range of capabilities and data products, illustrating what distinguishes Tick Data as the industry standard for historical intraday market data.

OneTick Academy

Andrew Diamond showcases the exciting capabilities of the OneTick Academy LMS, highlighting the Academy's training courses, how-to videos, reference notes, and more.

OneTick Today

The OneTick team provides an update on the company, customers, and platform. Also included are demos of pre-built solutions and examples of how to rapidly build applications and connect the wide range of data sources available from OneMarketData.


Explore OneTick's new API, a one-stop shop for market data, quant research, TCA/BestEx, and machine learning.

Point-in-Time API Update

Learn how to access OneTick Cloud Data via the "Point in Time API.”


OneTick grew substantially in 2023 to over 260 employees. We are continuously hiring globally! Referrals are very welcome. Check out our open positions here:

Would you like to see what we can do for you?

Empower your quantitative research and trading with OneTick's precision data & analytics today!

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