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SQL Trading Analytics against Historical Data: Use Cases

The OneTick Development Team is back to you with new and exciting content on how you can better use the OneTick platform. This exert, Peter Simpson, OneTick Product Owner, gives detailed insight how to use SQL Trading Analytics against Historical Data and how to view data from different sources.

Watch the video below to learn more. 

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Speaker: Peter Simpson, OneTick Product Owner

Peter Simpson is the OneTick Product Owner. Peter is an experienced Analytics Product Manager, with a history of working in and with the world’s biggest banks, brokers, fund managers and exchanges in London & New York. He provides tick database analytics consulting to financial customers including Exchange Surveillance Order Book Analysis and Market Participant Quality Statistics, Broker Surveillance Order Book Analysis, Tick Database Analytics Training, and Data Quality Analysis. 


Learn More About OneTick:

OneTick provides real-time, intra-day and historic data and analytics on trading activity leading to actionable insights for sales, trading, and surveillance. With hundreds of customers, you know that OneTick is a recognized platform you can trust.